Alright folks. The first two weeks of my Bloggaday are done. They were my warmup, wait, I think (warmup) is two word. You know, like “warm up” rather than “warmup.” Anyways, the first two weeks were my warm up. Now, its time to kick some ass and take some names with my last 50 weeks of this. Granted, the first two weeks were filled to the brim with bullshit, but no more! No siree, wait is that how you spell “sir-ee”? I don’t no, whoops, “know”. Anyways, there shall not be another drop of bullshit in the last 351 days of Bloggaday. Wait, is next year a leap year? It doesn’t matter; Bloggaday ends before the next February, so, “Ha, stupid leap year. I laugh at you and your stupid orthopedic correctional shoes.”
Where was I? That’s right, no more bullshit, you have my guarantee on that. Nope, no more bs. Wait, is that like post script: “P.S.”? So bullshit would be “B.S.”? Maybe just “BS.” Hmm, quite the quandary we have here. Wait, is it “quite the quandary” or “quite the conundrum.” Maybe the conundrum has caused a quandary.
I seem to be getting somewhat off-topic. You know, the no more bullshit. Hmm, I should probably use BS (yes I decided to go all caps, no periods) since it’s a bit more appropriate. That is something I have wrestled with on this TWC (also toned down considerably for language). Since a future podcast venture might draw a slightly more conservative crowd. Then again, they won’t read this, so meah.
So bullshit, eh? If you thought that horseshit had any semblance of truth, you haven’t heard my first two failed podcast ventures: The Davidian Cast at
And The DJ Show at (most of which never made it to iTunes because $#($ &^(%!#& #^)~$@%$ (edited for legal and decency reasons)
I suppose my advice would be to put on you shit-kicking boots, because you are in for daily-doses of bullshit for a year. Atleast it’ll be FEANBA (No foul language in that one. But I will explain at a later Bloggaday)
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