If you don’t know what the Avatar Cosplayer Cast is (ACC), you can go to this Bloggaday http://thebloggaday.blogspot.com/2010/04/bloggaday-57-avatar-cosplayer-cast.html , or just visit my youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/DavidDysart .
I’ve got all 4 ACC videos up, but one of them is set to private until I can get the annotations and descriptions up for it. For this endeavor, I contacted all of the cosplayers I used to ask for their permission. I’d say probably a little over half of the people got back to me and said yes. Now, most of the folks who said yes also said they wanted to see the final product. That means I get to burn another Bloggaday with a form letter. Woohoo
Hello XXXX,
Last month, I sent you a request to use your cosplay for an Avatar Cosplay Cast I was working on. Again, I would like to thank you for your approval. I have finished it, and your portions can be found at the following links:
If for some reason, you would like any portion altered, removed, or updated, please let me know an I will make the changes. Again, thank you and have a great day.
Listening to
Crazytalk by The 40 year old boy
Twitter Tag
As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs
http://twitter.com/daviddysart Wit in 140 characters
http://daviddysart.tumblr.com/ The best all-in-one FEANBA feed
http://thebloggaday.blogspot.com/ Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein
http://www.facebook.com/thedaviddysart?ref=sgm if you can find my notes or +friend
Youtube Awesomeness
For the Piccaday
http://s1000.photobucket.com/albums/af128/daviddysart/Piccaday/ Mass me by the month
http://thepiccaday.blogspot.com/ Me paced out by the day.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/daviddysart/sets/72157623465996877/ Like witches at black masses
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