Alright, we’re coming off of another break, but this is the continuation of the podcast Bloggaday.*
Before I get into that, I’m going to give a quick workout update/tip. As for the tip part, don’t do leg exercises. And the update? I did a second workout Monday, and I incorporated a little bit of legwork into it this time. The day after, I was a bit sore, but after walking all day and having to do some running and running up the stairs… oh the stairs… Well, after that, my legs just went to shite. My legs were just gone. It’s Thursday, and I’m still as sore as I should be the day after I work out. Anyways, that’s all.
I want to start off with a little info on the podcasts I listen to. The big three that I’ve been a dedicated fan of are The 40 year Old Boy, Scam School, and Scott Sigler’s various podio stories.
First off, Mike Schmidt’s 40 Year Old Boy Podcast. I am a huge fan. I think this is the only podcast that I’ve tried to listen to every week since I started listening to it… I think. My memory isn’t that great, but I don’t recall going long periods of time without listening to his podcast like the other two.
Schmidt has basically put out an episode a week for 2+ years. There has been a couple clipshows and whatnot, but I’m rather amazed at the numbers of hours he puts out consistently. I actually relate to him quite a bit, and I think that’s what surprises me so much about the amount of podcasting hours he’s put out. And the new website? It’s just awesome. And here is the iTunes feed
My Scam School watching habits are a bit different. I’ll usually go a month without watching it and then bust out all of the weekly episodes in a sitting. And I really like the show, but I don’t really know many folks who fans of this kind of stuff. iTunes feed ->
The host, Brian Brushwood also has a show called NSFW on the Twit. It’s basically a live ustream of him and his buddies bullshitting, taking call-ins, and playing the occasional game. I’ve seen several episodes of the previous incarnation, the BBLive as a podcast, but I am a child of the Tivo, and I don’t do well trying to catch a live broadcast.
My last regular podcast is all of the stuff coming from Scott Sigler. When I first found his podiobooks, I burned through them, and I went through them fast. I ended up catching him just before he released Nocturnal. Just in time, if I remember to hear about the contest he had going and miss the deadline. Feed
Again, the amount of content he pushes out is staggering. Couple that with the amount of writing he does in a year, and it’s rather awe-inspiring. He currently has a deal with Crown, a big publishing house, and he is also self-publishing his Rookie line of books. That basically means he fronts the money for the publishing. He covers that cost with a preorder though. He needs to sell half of those in preorder to cover all of the costs, which he did for his first book. I don’t think his second has gone to preorder yet, or it just went to it.
I don’t recall picking many folks to strive for, but Scott Sigler falls into this category. He seems to have the work ethic and creativity that really is what it seems to take to be successful in the new world of publishing.
Listening to
I wrote this a few days ago. How I am supposed to remember this?
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The podcasting information highway continues for its second installment, 6pm-3am, only on Bloggaday
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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses
116 June 10
*For part 3 of the podcast Bloggadays, I’ll go into my own podcasting
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