Monday, May 31, 2010

Bloggaday 106 – POM: May

Bloggaday 106 – POM: May

Hello and welcome back to the Performer of the Month. Well, this is POM’s first appearance on the Bloggaday, but as I said a few days ago, it was a regular segment on my old blog.
Anyways, let’s get into the heart of the Performer of the Month. I’m picking it up where I left off. That means I’ll pick 3 performers from three different genres of entertainment and then after pinning the 3 against each other, I’ll crown the last standing entertainer as THE Performer of the Month.
First, from the world of podcasting, the contender is Mike “The Judge” Schmidt.

Next, from the realm of television, Sheldon Cooper, or as no one knows him, Jim Parsons.

And Lastly, a traveler from the land comicly ridiculous badassery, a CRB if you will, a man known simply as Mantracker enters the fray.

Our first contender is Mike Schmidt (not the baseball player). He is currently in his 3rd year hosting the 40 Year Old Boy podcast on iTunes, still in the top 100 of comedy podcasts who got his podcast start on Never Not Funny. He is also a stand-up comedian based in LA. I’ve started to go back and listen to his older episodes, but you can find new episodes every Thursday on iTunes.

From television, Jim Parsons is bringing the heat. I don’t know what else he’s really been in, but he’s pretty good in the Big Bang Theory. He’s plays the rather robotic Vulcan character in the show. He’s the most entertaining character, and since I’ve been watching a bit of the show lately, he get’s my performer of the month nod.

My last pick is a bit of a cheat, since Mantracker is a television show, but I haven’t been making mental notes about who I’d pick as a performer of the month, so TV is being somewhat overrepresented on this POM. Nonetheless, on to the bio. Mantracker is a show on (I believe) on Discover, but it could be Science or one of those other channels. It stars Terry Grant as the Mantracker and a different sidekick each week. These two are given horses and have to find two people trying to get from A to B. I won’t go further into detail, but you get the idea. At first, I was very hesitant watching the show. I had seen commercials for it, and I figured it would be horribly cheesy and absolutely terrible or it would ridiculously cheesy actually great. I ended up getting roped into watching it, and now I watch it all the time.

Okay, as I’m writing this, I’m really not sure whom I’ll pick. I think I’ll take Sheldon out of the running. Since I’m listening to episodes I’ve already heard before of 40 Year Old Boy podcast and Divo has given me a bunch of episodes of Mantracker I haven’t seen, I have to give it to Mantracker.

Podcaster of the Year Update
Even though Mike Schmidt lost the Performer of the Month final cut, he can take solace in that fact that he bagged the first Podcaster of the Year Update.
I figure I’ll add one of these updates for each POM, and whichever podcaster has netted the most months will win the oh-so-coveted title of Podcaster of the Year.

Listening to
Several different things by Several different sittings

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Performer of the Month and Podcaster of the Year update, only on the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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106 May 31 Hello Part 21

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bloggaday 105 – Candy Bouquet

Bloggaday 105 – Candy Bouquet
About a week or so ago, I saw something at the local grocery store, Albertsons. The best way for me to describe it is as a candy bouquet. It was like $20 though. So the planning started.
Unlike the guitar thing I did, I was just playing accomplice. We got some boxes of candy to act as the vase. A little bit of foam to give it support and act as a pincushion. We taped Reeses (as the flower head) to candy bars (butterfingers, milkyways, snickers, etc). That pair was then taped to incense looking sticks that got speared through the foam.
The final result came out pretty good. I’ve got some pictures of it down below. So when folks come over for Memorial Day, they get a candy flower.

Candy Bouquet 1

Candy Bouquet 1

Candy Bouquet 1

Candy Bouquet 1

Listening to
Marathon is Legion by Deadliest Catch

Twitter Tag
Butterfingers, snickers, and milky ways, oh my! A candy bouquet only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

105 May 30 Hello Part 20

Bloggaday 104 – SotW 1

Bloggaday 104 – SotW 1
As I said yesterday, I’m bringing back my Song of the Week segment.
And here it is, new and improved, clichés and all.

Runnin’ with the Devil
Van Halen

Now, Runnin’ with the Devil gets some pretty good playtime on one of the radio stations I listen to a lot (K-CAL 97.6). I always liked the song when it came on, but I hadn’t gotten it yet on iTunes.
Towards the end of my Music class (Appreciation of Popular American Music), we hit Van Halen and their music video Jump (which really is just the most ridiculous video). One of the guys in class brought up the fact that David Lee Roth (lead singer of Van Halen) started a bluegrass band did a cover of Runnin’ with the Devil. Well, that’s all I had to hear. I had had to listen to that.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t exactly right. There is a Bluegrass cover CD of Van Halen Music: check. David Lee Roth started a bluegrass and appears on the Strummin’ with the Devil CD: check. The bluegrass cover of Runnin’ with the Devil also appears on the CD: check.
Now for wrong. David lee Roth singing that particular cover: no. That cover being awesome: no. I mean it’s not terrible, but not better that Van Halen’s version.
That means in my iTunes, I have the Van Halen version and not the John Cowen version (bluegrass).
You can find the two versions here and decide for yourself

Listening to
Kitchen Nightmares

Twitter Tag
The first ever return of Song of the Week, only on Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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104 May 29 Hello Part 19

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bloggaday 103 – The Return of Song of the Week

Bloggaday 103 – The Return of Song of the Week

While this is my year-long Bloggaday, I’ve run blogs in the past. Last time, I had regularly scheduled segments that I did throughout the week.
It started with the Song of the Week on Monday where I just gave a song that I had been listening to. The main reason I’m telling you this is because I’m bringing the Song of the Week back. Should pretty much kill 1/7 of my work on the Bloggaday each week. It will be more than it used to be, however. It will be a regular Bloggaday, so that means I’m going to bullshizzle anywhere’s between 1 and 5 hundred words.
Wednesday brought some familiarity since it was the first incarnation of PWND. Back then it was just Poetry Wed-nes-day. I had wanted to wait and reveal all of the acronyms in one Bloggaday, but I’ll explain it here. A couple of months ago, I was looking at something that I labeled “Poetry Wed-nes-day,” and my noggin finally put two and two together and saw the presence of PWND. The reason why I broke Wednesday up in the first place is because when I go to type it, that’s how I break it up in my head. When I started the bit, I just broke it up like that. For the Bloggaday, it stands for Prose Wed-nes-day because that is when I drop story content. The initial conception of PWND was for it to be an umbrella category for multiple subjects (basically anything I could come up with that started with “P”). And honestly, I’ve broken it down to more than just P Wed-nes-day, but I’m posting them on Wednesday and they’ve all been prose, so it looks like I’ll just keep it as is. Though I will say, if it was going umbrella multiple P’s, the title would have been more like “PWND: Prose Edition” than the simple “PWND” tag it gets now.
For Friday, I posted “An Evening on the Fireside with David,” which is basically the Bloggaday except I only did it once a week. I’ve got to say, it was a beach doing it once a week. I have relaxed my standards for the Bloggaday though.
My old blog also included sparser segments such as Podcaster of the Year and Performer of the Month. As I’m writing this, I would actually like to incorporate both of those also. For the Performer of the Month, it ended up being 3 performers from different forms of media, then I crowned an overall winner. I can also give monthly updates for the podcaster of the year. Hmm, I could really fuse the two blogs together.
Well, I was going to actually start the Song of the week today, but I’m already tapping at the door of 500, so I’ll wait for another Bloggaday.

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As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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103 May 28 Hello part 18

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bloggaday 102 – ETS, My Battle with Excessive Time Syndrome

Bloggaday 102 – ETS, My Battle with Excessive Time Syndrome
I kind of dedicated myself to this being today’s Bloggaday on twitter a couple of days ago. I took a picture of something I was working on Tuesday and teased that I would type about it Thursday, so here it is.
As the title suggests, I’ve got way too much time on my hands. The result of too much time? You make a friggin guitar out of cardboard.
Here is what I have so far.

First, I had to cut the body out. I used the backs off of a couple of drawing pads that I have from an art class a few semesters ago.
58 Gibson Les Paul

I also cut out the neck from same boards as well as all of the little pieces.
58 Gibson Les Paul

The dials are pre-bought wood (from Micahels). I did have to drill a hole in one though.
58 Gibson Les Paul

To give the body the depth, I cut out a strip from a cardboard box
58 Gibson Les Paul

I’ll post another one up when I actually get it together and go into some more detail. I can tell you, I’m going to have some problems with the headstock or whatever you call it.

Listening to
Allen with a puppet by Two and a Half Men

Twitter Tag
First PPM, now a case of ETS, only on Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

102 May 27 Hello Part 17

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bloggaday 101 – PWND Adjacent Posting

Bloggaday 101 – PWND Adjacent Posting

This week’s Wednesday post isn’t a PWND Bloggaday, but it is PWND adjacent. It’s a contemplation on my works. A little 101 education for you folks.
I’ve been writing for a couple of years now. I want to say Decemberish of 06 is when I actually started a long piece, a series of novels actually. If memory serves, my first venture into writing was actually on the old Adult Swim boards (I’ll post them at the end of the post). According to that, it was April 06. So I guess “few” is more appropriate. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a few years of writing under my belt.
I love working through a story, but actually typing can be somewhat tedious at times. I suppose my 12 words a minute typing speed might have something to do with it. Now I’m not sure how many words a minute I type, but it’s not that great. I have gotten much better over the past few months as my laptop has become my writing hub. I mean, I never really learned where all of the keys are. Luckily, it’s become more instinctive to me now, so it’s not THAT bad. You can’t write hundreds of thousands words and not pick it up a little bit.
Besides improving my keyboarding, I like to think that the writing itself has gotten better. The reason for this post is because I’m starting to go back through my somewhat newer series of novels. I was hoping that I could read a portion and then just rewrite it. It’s a technique I utilized for my FEANBA story. The time between the original writing and editing was enough that I improved enough that it really needed to be done. It also came rather easy. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for my book. I fixed a bit here and there, but I just haven’t improved enough to be able to do a complete rewrite. I must say, that’s just freakin’ depressing because I know I wasn’t that good of a writer when I wrote that stuff.
That all boils down to the fact that I have absolutely no idea how “good” of a writer I am. Of course when I say “good,” I could very well mean “crappy.” I’m not sure why I put that last one in “” marks, but I’m too lazy to go back and fix it. Apparently I’ll write 30 words to comment on it, but I won’t push the backspace button a few times and just change it.
My ignorance on my own ability stems from the fact that I don’t really read much. It’s my shameful little writing secret. And it seems odd that a person who likes to write doesn’t read, but that is the enigma that is David Dysart. Somehow or another, I’ve improved, and I’ll cringe when I read some of my older stuff. So I have to of improved, right?
Well, I’ve hit my original content word count as well as another 500 words of terrible writing to close the Bloggaday out, so I suppose I’ll say farewell for now.

Well, here are the things I talked about earlier. I’ve got to say, it was kind of fun going back through AS and seeing some of the stuff I did once upon a time. (The first was a reply to who would win, Vash or Inuyasha. The second was a reply to how the dog on Fullmetal Alchemist lost its leg.)
04-09-2006 03:23 AM
The fight goes down like this. * air gets all smokey * Vash completely unaware that Kagome is 14 of course, starts hitting on her. Inuyasha walks by ,all ready annoyed for some reason or another, concerning Nuraku or Sesshoumaru most likely, possibly seeing the lovely video tape of the two of them together, sees him and decides to try to take care business by growling and swinging his sword the Humanoid Typhoon, which Vash made his dodging seem like an accident by tripping or some other buffoon method of covering his true pimp self. With Vash now safely away from Kagome, Inuyasha throws a windscar, which Vash deflect with 3 shots. Deciding to show off for all of the lovely cutiepies, he gets his angel arm up and shoots it at Inuyasha. The shot gets closer and closer, "Backlash Wave" Inuyasha screams. Vash the stampede counters by shooting a building that bounces off, hits a stone, and breaks Miroku's prayer breads that hold the wind tunnel, causing the tunnel to **bleep** up the backlash wave. With the battleground now clear, Inuyasha charges at Vash. Bang Bang 2 shots hits Inuyasha's knees sending him tumbling to the floor. With Inuyasha no longer a threat Vash scans his surroundings to find Miroku ok and hitting on a few women, amazed at his calmness he decides to buy him a couple of drinks, and they go womanize long into the night, quickly becoming best friends. The End
04-21-2006 01:13 AM
Well, one day Winry was out back chopping wood. All of a sudden Den came running towards her and jumped on the platform she was putting the wood on as she was swinging the axe. It was close, another 1/2 inch and den would gotten hit by the axe. Another day Winry was said that Pinaka wouldn't let her try to attatch the automail to any patients. So that night Ed and Al decided to use alchemy to remove one of Den's leg with the use of alchemy. They sneak into their house, they find Den sound asleep. They walk over to him and draw a transmutation circle. Luckily Pinaka heard them and stopped them though. A couple weeks later Hohenheim secretly came to their little town to see how the boys were doing, but Den saw him and was going to attack him: well Hoho had to protect himself and he knew that that the owner of the dog knew how attach automail, Hohenheim proceeded to use alchemy and made a spike come up from the ground, the spike came up a second to early but still scared him off. A month or two later Winry, Ed, and Al were out playing when they came across a deadly snake, they yelled and Den came a comin'. Den jumped in front of the kids just before the snake coiled up and leaped to them, the snake got closer and closer, it was heading towards Den's leg, faster and faster, then Den caught the snake in his teeth. What was the question again? Oh oh oh that's right, how Den lost his leg. Umm I don't know, How am i suppose to know that?!?!?!

Listening to
A stream of media by the TV

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Can’t afford PWND-side property? Then try the new PWND adjacent property instead! Only on Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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101 May 26 Hello Part 16

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bloggaday 100

Bloggaday 100

100 episodes? 100 chapter? None of those define it. It’s 100 Bloggadays.
Usually, for 100 of something, like episodes of a television show, a big deal is made. But you know what, this is my Bloggaday, and I’m saving fanfare for two other Bloggadays. I started thinking about this on about Bloggaday 80. Since there is going to be 365 Bloggadays, if I break it up into three parts, I get 121… hmm, trimesters? Nope, trigady is what I’m going to call them. After all, what is the Bloggaday, if not a screwed up tragedy? So there are 3 trigadies, but I get 2 spare episodes. Well, my years of not doing puzzles has not hindered me in seeing the ability to slide one in after the first trigady and another between the last two trigadies.
So you can expect something special for episode 122 and 245 (right?) I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do, but hopefully it’ll be something good. I figure I have 3 weeks to figure it out. At the moment, I’m thinking about posting something of a clip show. The best of (trust me, I know how loosely that has to be applied to this) the first third of the Bloggaday.
With that, I’ll leave you with a couple of other thoughts I had for trigady.


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Already 100 episodes in, looking for 122, only at Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

100 May 25 Hello Part 15

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bloggaday 99 – The Acidophilus Verdict

Bloggaday 99 – The Acidophilus Verdict

My quest for Acidophilus milk has come to an end. A number of Bloggadays ago, I told you how I found the elusive milk variance. I’ve actually tried now. A few days ago, I had it with some Frosted Flakes. I must say though, I didn’t really notice a difference between it and regular milk. Granted, Frosted Flakes are pretty flavorful, and probably overpowered any difference between the two types of milk. I also tried the acidophilus milk with some chocolate milk. Again, I didn’t really notice much of a difference. Even if there was a difference, it wasn’t bad.
I’m used to Albertson’s milk, which doesn’t seem to have THAT consistent of a taste across multiple buys. So whatever difference is there, isn’t really distinguishable. Personally, while I like milk, I’m not a fan of straight milk. Put some cereal in there or some chocolate, and I’m good. I guess I can’t speak on the true difference in taste between the two.
On problem though, is the price. I think a half-gallon of Albertson’s brand milk is $1.99. I had to get the acidophilus milk at a smaller market, and it only came in quarts. If memory serves, it was like $1.29 or .39. If I get back down there, I’ll double check the price.
So I suppose the ultimate verdict is my personal recommendation. The only negative is the price, but if you can find a decent sized place that sells it, I think even that would be negligible.

Listening to
James v Capone by The Deadliest Warrior

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The only place to hear the Acidophilus Verdict? Of course, it’s only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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99 May 24 Hello Part 14

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bloggaday 98 – An iPhone Scare

Bloggaday 98 – An iPhone Scare

We’ve all been through those moments, the moment when losing a loved one is a very real possibility. This happened to me yesterday. I have to say, sitting there, seeing the wires attached to it, is a very emotional thing. When it doesn’t look good, you try to get second opinions, but things don’t get better when you here the same news from different people. Then, as they are all tied into the machines, and the computer doesn’t do anything, is just devastating. Seconds tick by as you hope for it to do something, anything… But it never comes. At this point, you have to go online and find any alternative to save that loved one. Then you find something and hold the home and power buttons until it finally boots up.
Yesterday, I had this scare. My iPhone went dark on me…
I’m not sure why it went out on me, but my working theory was the battery died. Now, I’m the kind of guy who always has my phone/mp3 player with me, and I don’t let it die. If the battery did in fact die, I have a theory about that too. I was taking pictures with it, and I just turned it off. If it somehow turned on, and because it was in the camera app, it never shut off until the battery died.
So, with the assumption that nothing worse than a dead battery afflicting my iPhone, I put it on a wall charger. I gave it a while and tried to turn it on. Nothing. This is when it was suggested that I put it on my computer. Still nothing. I then go online and try to find a way to reset it. Sure enough, Home and Power buttons together, and it reboots.
Despite the gorgeous (ha, it’s coming back from an earlier Bloggaday) outcome, it still scared me. So I emailed my word docs that were written on my phone, and hopefully I’ll do it routinely do it for a while until I get complacent again.
I suppose the heart monitor is beeping again, and the land rejoices.

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As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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98 May 23 Hello Part 13

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bloggaday 97 – The Education Reverberation of a Blogganation Graduation Recollection Part 2

Bloggaday 97 – The Education Reverberation of a Blogganation Graduation Recollection Part 2

I did a quick thing for my psych teacher, but then I bailed (11 something). A few hours later, I had to come back for photos (3). I didn’t need to come that early, so more bullshizzling for the next 2 and a half hours until we took a class photo, which my zipper was down for. Not that zipper, the zipper for my graduating gown. The picture took a surprisingly long time. I guess if the photographer was going to climb 5 or 6 feet up on a ladder, he wanted it perfect. Then we lined up again, which was another ordeal entirely. Apparently, it’s task for people receiving at least their bachelors or masters, not the associates. Once that was finally done, each line was counted 7 times, and some additional stalling, we finally started walking. Once we had taken our seta, the faculty flooded the stage and took their seats. A few folks gave speeches, like the new student trustee and one of Crafton Hills’ own student alumni gave a speech. I guess I can go into some detail, after all, she did. She was a Veterinarian (how sad is it that I didn’t know how to spell that?), and after talking about how her educational and professional path, she regaled us with a story. The short of it was that a Chihuahua (again, I didn’t know how to spell that) got attack by two large dogs. Her advice ended up being, keep the intestines wrapped in a wet towel, so you can guess how rough it was. She then performed the required surgery… by herself… 5 months out of school. All in all, she gave a good speech. She rambled on a little about the whole college grads make more than non-grads, so she should have skipped that. Other than that, she was good.
Fast forward a few minutes, and they start calling us up. The basic setup here is this: Your row of 20 students stand up, start walking, each person gets their picture taken along the way twice, you then form a line stage left, walk to Davis and Perez (professors of the year), who read your name from a card that you give them, you walk to the president of the college to shake her hand, walk to the head of the board of trustees, shake his hand and grab the diploma as you pose for a picture, continue past him and walk down the steps, and lastly, return to your seat.
Now, my own journey went a little bit different. After I shake the president’s hand, the left side of my honor’s sash gets caught by the wind and flies off. I don’t have much time to react, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to get it back on, so I just pull it off and scrunch it in my hand. The Trustee head asked if I wanted to put it on, but with my cap and everything, it would have taken too long, so I just said no, and continued on my merry way with the scheduled rounds.
I kind of wish I would have taken my iPhone and filmed my walk, but given what happened with my sash, it’s probably a good thing that I didn’t. It would have been cool to have though. Well, there’s always the next one.
Once all of the names were done and a few beach balls later, speeches close out the show. The faculty walk off of the stage with their professor of the year flag bearers, and we followed suit. Some bullshizzling later, we all go home.
So, with this two-part Bloggaday, I end the tale of my graduation. Until next time, peace, chicken.

Listening to
Watching Airplanes by Gary Allen

Twitter Tag
A graduation recollection, only at the Bloggaday…tion…A blogganation syndication with education reverberations part 2

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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97 May 22 hello Part 12

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bloggaday 96 – The Education Reverberation of a Blogganation Graduation Recollection

Bloggaday 96 – The Education Reverberation of a Blogganation Graduation Recollection

Oh, I’m glad I only have 2 or 3 graduations left. I have no interest reliving yesterday that many more times. Yesterday, I graduated from Crafton Hills College with my associates in psychology.
As it turns out, graduating is something of an all-day event. Rehearsal started at 8:30, but I had to get to campus early to pick up a 2 copies of the brand spankin new Sand Canyon Review. So I bullshizzle for a while and sit through rehearsal.
After that, we head over to the cafeteria for our faculty-served breakfast. Honestly, I was really hoping for some muffins or something, but that is not at all what we got. I figured they could make a Costco run and knock that out nice and cheep. Sure, they can toss some other stuff in, just to keep the masses happy, but really, muffins are good, aren’t they? To the demise of my presumed pleasure, that was not the case. They had a couple of really nice fruit platters (do college folk really eat fruit?). Then they served up some diced potatoes. They followed that with some quiches (with the option of either bacon or spinach). Lastly, there were two slices of ham for each and every one of us.
Now. They did go with a very interesting strategy with the food storage/serving. They served the fruit hotter than the other food… And the fruit was nicely chilled. Now, it may sound like I’m just hammering this breakfast, but I’m just having some fun with it. I’m just channeling my inner 40-year old boy. It went great, and the folks who put it on have my greatest appreciation for giving us, the students, a little slice of honor.
As I said, the faculty were the servers and everything for the breakfast, which was really cool of them. They gave out the three professor of the year awards. One went to Julie Davis, my sociology teacher for this semester. Now, I don’t remember whom it was that I voted for, but since she won, it’s fair to say that I might have voted for her? Yes, I put a question mark there. Next, Perez also won, which was rather fitting since he is actually retiring after this semester. Kind of makes me feel like I did back when I was rooting for Bret Favre to win the Superbowl and retire out on top. Because yes, sharing Professor of the Year with two other teachers is the exact equivalent of Favre winning the Superbowl. I’m sure Perez as a boy would daydream in his classes of the day when his name would be called, and the presenter would greet him in front of the graduating class with “I’m not hugging you.” He is another one of my old teachers. The third guy was for the “part-time” of the P of the Year trifecta. Never heard of him, so he gets exactly 25 words here.

Since this bloggaday is going to run long, I’ll end today’s here and finish it tomorrow.

Listening to
The Opposite of Adults by Chiddy Bang

Twitter Tag
A graduation recollection, only at the Bloggaday… tion… A blogganation syndication with education reverberations

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

96 May 21 Hello Part 11

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bloggaday 95 – PWNED The Clash of Neutrals 1.1

Bloggaday 95 – PWNED The Clash of Neutrals 1.1
I forgot to put this up yesterday, for my weekly edition of PWND
The first piece is broken into the two POV’s of the two main characters. The first character, Marcus, made his Bloggaday debut on Bloggaday 87 (, It’s Been the Worst Day.
I haven’t written the story for the other character, Jacob yet, but it will get written eventually.
Last note, language advisory, and everything that tends to go with such a thing.

The noise… well music blared in Marcus’s head. His concentration fought the vibrations from turning his brains to mush. He pushed the woman off of him and fought his way though the mass of people that oscillated… well slammed into each other to the music.
He had had enough of this place. He didn’t know where Oscar would be at, but they were the only two he had seen in suites, so it wouldn’t be that hard to just stumble-fuck onto him. The fact that they were also almost a head taller than the lot, didn’t hurt.
Marcus plowed through the crowd, but most didn’t pay him much mind. The one who had minded, managed to push him from behind. The troublemaker had only managed to stay off of his ass for a few seconds before Marcus broke his nose and put him there.
With a sigh, he continued through the crowd until he finally spotted Oscar. Didn’t look much like he was earning the grand Marcus was paying him, but he at least had taken the high ground of the VIP area. Nevertheless, Marcus knew he was worth the money. As he approached the bouncer, a baritone cut through the music, “Name?”
Marcus continued stride as he said, “I’ll only be a minute,” and flipped him off. As he cleared the rope, the fact that only scrappers were smart enough to not fuck with him brought a smile to his face. He cleared his way through the snobs until Oscar gave him a nod.
With a returning nod, Marcus told him, “I need to get out of here for a few minutes.”
Oscar shuffled from the crowd, “You shouldn’t be alone.”
He waved him off and said, “I’m just running out for a smoke. I’ll tell you what. If I’m not back in 5, then you can come find me.” As Oscar gave him a nod and started back into the group, Marcus wandered back through the crowd for an exit.

Listening to
The 40 Year Old Boy

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Read Clash of the Neutrals 1.1, a day late, but still a Bloggaday exclusive

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95 May 20 Hello Part 10

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bloggaday 94 – Coach! My Tailbone!

Bloggaday 94 – Coach! My Tailbone!

I’m using my piccaday to create something of stop-motion message. For this little project, I’ve used the same backdrop that I’ve used for the piccaday for the last 3 months. This particular background is courtesy of sitting on my bed. This is actually what I usually do when I’m doing work in my bedroom.
Unfortunately, this seems to come at a price. For the last few weeks or so, my tailbone has been killing me when I sit down. It’s actually been rather excruciating, and sadly, I am not dramatizing for effect.
At first, I didn’t make the connection. I just figured I did something or another and hurt it. Then I thought it might have been because I was sitting at the edge, making me sit a little lopsided, so I sat more center, but it didn’t help much. Then yesterday, I didn’t write my bloggaday or do my piccaday until about 4, and it wasn’t as bad. So I’m going to try changing it up a little bit, but if that doesn’t help, the piccaday is going to be changing venue after that little stop motion greeting.
It’s going to be kind of weird though. Even before I started the Bloggaday, I usually do my work on my bed, sitting against the wall. It’s going to be quite the change if I can no longer do that. I’m done with the tailbone pain though. If sitting on my bed is causing it, then sitting on my bed is gone.
Anyways, today is day 9 of the stop-motion greeting, ranging back to May 11th, but I’ll go into more information when I finish it. Have a good day folks.

Listening to
The 40 Year Old Boy

Twitter Tag
Coach! My Tailbone! Only on the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

94 May 19 Hello part 9

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bloggaday 93 – Sloth v Greed

Bloggaday 93 – Sloth v Greed

It turns out that the 7 deadly sins do battle for supremacy in you… well, me. At the moment, Sloth is laying the smacketh down on greed. Not only the smacketh down, it’s stopping a hole in greed’s candy ass.
Now, I wouldn’t exactly call it a fair fight. Several Bloggadays ago, I reported that I was going parle my Census Bureau earnings into a new Mac laptop. I was hoping for 20 hours a week for 10 weeks. At 16.50 an hour, that’s $3,000, more than enough for a new laptop. Unfortunately, I won’t be seeing those number.
My district had/has about 1 month (probably a little less) of work total, and that’s with like nobody working for 20 hours a week. I suppose you could take this as a good sign of our nation’s people, and their diligent work at filling out the census and mailing it in. Unfortunately, I’m quite sure that isn’t the case. You see, the Census Bureau (as far as I understand it) tries to get 5 people for every position that they need to fill. This is because they figure after everything, only 1 of the original 5 will eventually fill the position. The breakdown is like so:
1 won’t pass the test
1 will pass the test but won’t go to training.
1 won’t finish training
1 will finishing training, but won’t want the job.
1 will do all of that and then actually do the job.

Turns out, in a really bad economy, more than 1 out of five people will do all of that for 16+ an hour (Heck, in san fran, it’s 22). Redlands is one of those areas. My group just had a crazy amount of people apparently. I’m probably going to end up with about a grand (I’m not sure, they stagger the payments pretty good, so it might end up closer to 1,500), well short of 2,500 I was hoping for.
Once that realization set, that’s when Sloth got the upper hand. With my goal gone, I just kind of lost the urge to go do it. So, with just a few cases left, I’m not putting in as many hours as I was before. Looks like Sloth’s body blows are adding up to a Judge’s Decision. The round is not over yet though, so we shall see.

Listening to

Twitter Tag
7 and 1 Sloth v 14 and 4 Greed. The fight of the century. Only on Bloggaday.

Sloth throws a hook. Oh, and Greed goes down! Greed goes down! Only on Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

93 May 18 Hello part 8

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bloggaday 92 – The Confusing World of Naruto Tech

Bloggaday 92 – The Confusing World of Naruto Tech

Well, I’ve cleaned out the Naruto Shippuden on my divo. I suppose “clean out” may imply that I just deleted them, but that was not the case. I actually watched them all. Hmm, now that seems to imply it was something of an accomplishment, a feat if you will. Again, that’s wrong. You should really stop inferring things. It takes too long for me to correct you on your misconceptions.
Anyways, I suppose I could explain the situation to you. Again, you’ll probably think explain means “bore.” Well, you’re finally right for once. But I do have a serious concern about the show after the short siesta.
Naruto is running new episodes every Wednesday and staggering episode from s few weeks ago and playing those every day. Those everyday episodes have finally caught up with the episodes I’ve seen from the new episode lineup.
I was so depressed, I tried slashing my wrists, but I use an electric razor, so the failure was rather epic. See, that wasn’t too bad. One thing that seems rather odd is the technology in Naruto. In the recent reruns, Guy Sensei gave his team and Kakashi little wireless mikes for them to communicate. That’s rather advanced for a world dominated by ninjas. I can get the flame thrower and explosives, after all, they apparently utilize the chakra. Other things in this vein have struck me as odd, but unfortunately, they fail to do so now.
I would imagine the Sand Village is more tech-accurate than the Leaf Village. That Datara guy’s eye also seems very advance for the show. It freaken takes pictures. Their med tech also seems pretty decent. I don’t know, it just seems odd.

Listening to
Commercials :-(

Twitter Tag
Naruto Tech? Confusing me only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

92 May 17 Hello pt 7

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bloggaday 91 – Sudoku

Bloggaday 91 – Sudoku
So I’ve decided to start doing Sudoku, and of course, there’s an app for that. I just finished my fourth game this morning, and I beat my previous times. Unfortunately, it still took 15 minutes to do it. I just haven’t quite got the hang of them yet. Heck, for the first 10 minutes I never checked my possible numbers against the individual cubes. Once I actually managed that, I finished it in another five minutes. I had all but 4 boxes either figured out or noted the possible numbers.
I must say though, it’s a bit frustrating when you get stuck doing something, but only because you forget an aspect of the game. I did want to finish it by nine, and I managed to do so at exactly nine, so I was happy none-the-less. I’ll probably do another one in a little bit, so I’ll shoot for 10 minutes. I figure if I can do that, I can move up to “medium” difficulty sudokus.
That does bring up the question of how long it takes the average person to do a sudoku (puzzle?). A quick google search didn’t bring up much, but oh well. Alright, that’s it. 200
Listening to
Clickity Clackety of my keyboard

Twitter Tag
My first ventures into Sudoku

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

91 May 16 Hello Part 6

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bloggaday 90 – I'll take "Scholarships" for 1,500, Alex

Bloggaday 90 – I'll take "Scholarships" for 1,500, Alex

So last night, I went to the Crafton Hills Convocation. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but my understanding was that it was a scholarship thing. When I got my letter of invitation, I figured maybe it was because I was graduating and my GPA was above the 3.5 (It’s somewhere around 3.9) that is the cutoff for honors or something.
Now, I had submitted for scholarships, but figured I would have known or been contacted if I actually won one. I asked my Psych teacher what exactly it was, and she just sighed and told me to go. Now, she had been on me about submitting for scholarships and didn’t believe me that the website told me I only qualified for one scholarship, so I sent her my confirmation email that included my application.
Now, when I talked to my Psych teacher, it was either a, “There will be food, so just go,” sigh, or it was a “I know something, and you need to go,” type of sigh.
So I’m there for the convocation, and because I had the 3.5+ GPA, I did go up there and get a little rolled up slip of paper. So I figure that’s why I was invited. That figuring was reinforced when my Psych teacher’s scholarship was given (which I figured if I was going to voodoo get one, it would have been that one). Then a little while later, The Psych Club scholarships were given out, and as the bio of the person was given, I start thinking, “Hey, that’s me.” So I go up and get it, and as I was sitting down, the next presenter comes to the stand and tells me to come back up. I had won the next scholarship, which I believe was the one I had qualified for.
That’s right. 3.9 GPA and two scholarships later, and I just ended a paragraph with a participle.
Ooo, I just did it again.
So it was very cool. I was rather shocked. It’s nice, because they give you a little card to send to the donators, so to end this Bloggaday, I’ll paste what I’m going to write. The cards are rather small, so I had to keep it brief. I’m not even sure these are short enough. I’m also going to email my psych teacher something else, but I won’t include that. I’m already over my 500 word limit.

To Dr. Pfahler
This past Friday, I received the Psychology Club scholarship. This has afforded me an opportunity to continue my education. I know there were several excellent candidates for the scholarship, so I would like to offer you my sincerest thanks for your generosity in this matter. Thank you so very much
David Dysart

To Nelda Rankin,
This past Friday, I received your William A. Rankin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship at Crafton Hills College. Your kindness has afforded me an opportunity to continue my education. I know there were several excellent candidates for the scholarship, so I would like to offer you my sincerest thanks for your generosity in this matter. Thank you so very much
David Dysart

Listening to
Episode 7, Year 3 by the 40 Year Old Boy Podcast

Twitter Tag
An Evening on the Fireside with the CHC Convocation (me getting scholarships)

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

88 May 15 Hello Part 5

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bloggaday 89 May 14

Bloggaday 89 May 14

An excursion that took me across the vast expanses of Redlands.
A journey that tested my abilities.
A quest left unfinished.

A few years ago, Two and a Half Men featured a type of milk on their show. This particular milk is called acidophilus milk. It’s basically yogurtfied milk that’s supposed to be good for you. Maybe a week or so ago, I decided to try it, so I went out to a few stores like Albertsons, Staters Bros., Vons, and Trader Joe’s. Unfortunately, none of those stores carried it. The closest thing I could find was Cultured Buttermilk (pictured below), but that isn’t really what I was looking for.

Milk Excursion: Cultured Buttermilk

Unfortunately, that was the only milk I could find that was cultured. I couldn’t find acidophilus milk at any of the places. I did find something interesting at Vons. Apparently, their milk is not only pasteurized, but it’s also lu particle accelerated, but hush, it’s a secret.

Milk Excursion: CERN Lucerne Milk

Listening to
Top 20 Countdown by CMT

Twitter Tag
Find out if my excursion has led me to “got milk,” only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses
88 May 13 Hello Part 4

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bloggaday 88 – It’s Been the Worst Explanation

Bloggaday 88 – It’s Been the Worst Explanation

Well, yesterday you got the first 500 words of a new story for PWND. I’m not a hundred percent on what the title will be, but for now, it’s something along the lines of It’s Been the Worst Day. The current name is derived from the Flogging Molly song, The Worst Day Since Yesterday. You can find it on iTunes at
The reason the name is derived from the song is really because it was inspired by it. I should tell you folks that I listen to music a lot. I’ve got one of those snazzy iPhones, so my music player is with me all of the time. iPhone in one pocket and a Zune in my other pocket… No, I wouldn’t defile my pants with a Zune. So I’m always listening to music. When I went in for Census Bureau… Initiation(?). I decided to listen to music after the mandatory 5 hours before the had to give us lunch.
You know what, I wasn’t sure if Word would accept snazzy as a word. Anyways, I’m walking to my car, and I start listening to music. I wasn’t too familiar with my new selection of fine Irish music since I just got the mix CD from someone in class. Now this story doesn’t happen if they stuck us in a building dropped somewhere in civilization. I’m at the Bingo Barn in Adelanto, so the parking lot is just this huge dirt lot. Well, dirt may not be the right word. It implies some form of uniformity. It wasn’t a rock lot, but it was just really shi’ity ground, so when you walk, you occasionally kick up a little cloud of dust and rocks.
So I’m making the trek back to my car, and it just sets me in a mood, and I start clicking things together for a story. Honestly, it’s turning out a little bit different than I originally was thinking. I was going to with a Pulp Fiction/Cowboy Bebop feel with it, but I strayed away from it a bit. What I posted yesterday is what I have written for the beginning, but I know what I want to do with the middle, and I’m writing the ending on my snazzy iPhone.
After I finish it, I would like to write another story introducing another character (which I’ve already have the basics), and then I’ll pin the two against each other in an epic struggle against… Lawful Neutral and Neutral Evil? That’s how I’m going to spin it for the moment. The plot is revealed in the end of this current story
As I’ve written the character has kind of changed a smidgen also. He’s been infused with my old trainer when I used to go to the gym and a guy I that was in my soc class.
Since I’m writing it somewhat out of order at the moment, I don’t know if it’ll make next Wednesday’s PWND, but I’ll jump off of that bridge when I come to it.

Listening to
The Ultimate Fighter

Twitter Tag
Read the Worst Explanation since yesterday, only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

88 May 13 Hello Part 3

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bloggaday 87 – PWND It’s Been The Worst Day

Bloggaday 87 – PWND It’s Been The Worst Day
Each step brought a new cloud of dust as each breath brought a new puff of smoke. The cigarette hung from his lips, limp as the heat beat at his consciousness. He spit the old butt out and muttered “Fuck, it’s hot,” as he rocked to a stop. The music being strangled in his pocket went silent for a moment before picking up the beat of a new song.
Lighting a new cigarette, the man smiled at the new tune “It’s been the worst day since yesterday.” As his trudging began to swing into a swagger, the song fell into a ringing.
A sigh brought his steps back steps back to a trudge. He dug into his pocket and pulled it free. The screen raddled, and above a box of options, ‘Whack Cracker Mac’ lit up the man’s eyes. He tapped at the screen and in between drags said, “Hey Mac, ‘Bout fckn time. I’m inda desert.”
“Well no shit, I figured that much. Where exactly are you?” a voice came through, lacking the musicality the man had enjoyed for the last fifteen minutes.
“Jeeze. Clm yur sht nd hld on.” He took the phone away from his ear and started tapping buttons and scrolling through pages. “Iknow ths hing hs u lcator… Ha!” he yelped with an eerie lack of emotion. Pulling the cigarette out of his mouth, he continued. “There, I just texted you my location.”
“Okay, I’ll check, but I have to call you back. I want a rundown then.”
“Ya, ya ya. Jst cm n gt mu ass.”
The man took in another deep drag as the music started again. “As the four winds blow, my wits through the door.” He crammed the phone back into his pocket, deafening the notes, but he got a few steps off before the phone began ringing again.
“Fu fck’s shake.” He dug back into his pocket to retrieve the phone, but this time he put it on speakerphone. “Yu kep screwin mu song up.”
“Take the damn cigarette out of you mouth and tell me what happened,” the voice boomed from the tiny speakers.
One last draw killed the rest of the cigarette and a limp cherry collapsed from the butt. The filter fell from his lips and got lost in the storms of sand trailing his feet.

Listening to
The Devil’s Lube by Two and a Half Men

Twitter Tag
It’s been the worst day since yesterday, only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

87 May 12 Hello part 2

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bloggaday 86 – Alexander the Fabulous

Bloggaday 86 – Alexander the Fabulous

Alright, so it is to my understanding that homosexuality was much more prevalent in Greek and Roman times. Alexander the Great himself is rumored to have been gay. I don’t think “rumor” is the right word. I was watching a show a long time ago that said he was.
Funny thing, though. Apparently, his pops wasn’t a fan of that, so he would get him some high-class prostitutes. Am I the only one thinking classic 70’s sitcom?
This is how I’m thinking it went down: Alexander and his childhood friend are doing some nude wrestling (Yes, I know, nude wrestling was Greek, but I’ll be damned if my brilliant vision will be squashed for a difference of a few years and a culture. Afterall, Romans invented elected officials while the Greeks invented Democracy. Close enough for me). So the two are going at it (wrestling, no weestling), and maybe somebody falls on (or I guess in) somebody and maybe Alexander’s dad walks in on them. Well, wackyness ensues and the next thing you know, our young Alexander has got a harem to “adjust his attitude.”
Now, if I’m Alexander, and it was just a big misunderstanding, maybe at the next gladiatorial games (Yes, I know the gladiators didn’t come about until decades after The Great died, but I’ve got some momentum going… sheesh), I mention to dear old dad that Bobicus is looking in particularly good form, or maybe Stevicus’s sword handling is getting much better. Perhaps they would make good sparing partners. Wink, wink.
If he doesn’t get the hint, yous gots to go back and dance with the one that brought you. You find out that your father is coming home at 8pm sharp (yes, yes modern concepts of time. At this point you are invested enough to look past it{right? [I really hope so]}). Anyways, he’s coming home at 8, so you get your buddy over for some more nude wrestling at about 7:45.
Bam, instant harem (not Roman, I know) again. That’s just good ol’ Stimulus -> Response conditioning if you ask me. Stroke, whoops, strike one up for the Behaviorists.
I don’t know, just my take on history.

Listening to
The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five /20 year old street cred FTW

Twitter Tag
Alexander the Fabulous in Fox’s new Fall sitcom, only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Hello Part 1

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bloggaday 85 – My Public Apology for Mother’s Day

Bloggaday 85 – My Public Apology for Mother’s Day
Last Night Me: I’m laying here in bed at 2 o’clock in the morning, but something is weighing on me. It’s such a burden that I can’t even sleep. I did something incomprehensible. I took something good and pure and special, and what did I do? I made a joke out of it. Worst of all? I did it on Mother’s Day. Granted, it wouldn’t have been any better on a holiday like Arbor Day or Pearl Harbor Day, but I don’t know, it just seems wrong. So very wrong.
I suppose I should tell you guys what exactly it was that I did. I posted a special Mother’s day Bloggaday yesterday. You can find the link here ->
If that seems too much work, here is an excerpt of what I wrote
“So be lazy all you Mothers, tucked in bed, perhaps some breakfast in there. Maybe you can read a book all you Mothers. Huckleberry Finn is always a good choice. You deserve some candy, you Mother. Suckers are always a great candy, especially when they have those tootsie rolls in them. Maybe you can go see a comedy show tonight, you Mothers. Tucker, Chris Tucker from the Rush Hour fame is a funny guy. Maybe you could have America’s favorite food, you Mothers. Smuckers would probably be my choice of jelly for you guys though. All in all, you just need to rest you Mothers. Bucker down and just get some R&R.”
I just reread that, after all, how can I expect you to do so if I can’t even bring myself to do so? I’ve got to say, it was pretty rough. I want to say I’m sorry. I actually threw up a little bit when I read it. I just can’t believe I went that far, just for a joke. I actually endorsed Smuckers over Welch's jelly. There simply aren’t words to describe how sorry I am. I can only hope by giving the subject its own spot on my coveted Bloggaday, I can start repairing the broken trust. I promise that in the future, I will strive to be a better person in not only these matters, but in every aspect of my life. Thank you and have a nice day.

Unfortunately, it really is 2 am, but this isn’t going to be a one-two to put me out. I figured while I’m having trouble going to bed, I might as well crank out a Bloggaday. I’m not too sure why I can’t fall asleep. My mind just doesn’t seem to want to settle down. Meah, it’ll get there eventually. For now, I say farewell until I actually post this post-sleep.

Morning Me: That was a rather refreshing nap. Fell asleep at 5 and woke up at 7. Newton took sporadic 2 ours naps through the day, didn’t he? Purple garden spades taste lemony 0_o

Listening to
I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey by Two and a Half Men

Twitter Tag
A Public Apology for my comments on my Mother’s Day Bloggaday yesterday, only on today’s Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bloggaday 84 – And a Happy Mother’s Day

Bloggaday 84 – And a Happy Mother’s Day

Another year has come and gone. A changing of the seasons has brought us another Mother’s Day. I hope all you Mothers out there have a great day. Because if there is one thing you Mothers deserve, it’s a great Mother’s Day.
So be lazy all you Mothers, tucked in bed, perhaps some breakfast in there. Maybe you can read a book all you Mothers. Huckleberry Finn is always a good choice. You deserve some candy, you Mother. Suckers are always a great candy, especially when they have those tootsie rolls in them. Maybe you can go see a comedy show tonight, you Mothers. Tucker, Chris Tucker from the Rush Hour fame is a funny guy. Maybe you could have America’s favorite food, you Mothers. Smuckers would probably be my choice of jelly for you guys though. All in all, you just need to rest you Mothers. Bucker down and just get some R&R.
So to all you Mothers out there, have a great Mother’s Day.

Listening to
The Cake Boss.

Twitter Tag
Wishing all you Mothers a punerific Mother’s Day.

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

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For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bloggaday 83 – Farewell to Longhaired Hippy Days

Bloggaday 83 – Farewell to Longhaired Hippy Days
You saw it in my eyes yesterday, didn’t you? I was going to get my hair cut. I am no longer a longhaired hippy. Gone are the days of putting flowers in rifle barrels. Now my hair is high and tight. I’ve got to say, it is kind of weird though. My hair has been rather long for quite some time now, and it was a considerable amount of upkeep.
Out of the shower, you can’t just dry it. You’ve got to comb it, maybe dab it a little bit, especially in the back. Comb it again and let it air dry, which takes quite a while. I went through several types of hair products including gels, mouse, and pomade until I finally settled on hairspray, which actually worked extremely well. To get it to lay right, I had to comb it in a certain way, and sometimes wore a beanie, to force it back.
But alas, that is no more, and neither is like six inches of hair. The Bloggaday’s going to have a new look from now on.

Listening to
That Pistol Packing Hermaphrodite by Two and a Half Men

Twitter Tag
See my Farewell to Long-Haired Hippy Days, only at the Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

Youtube Awesomeness

For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bloggaday 82 – The Fourth ACC Video

Bloggaday 82 – The Fourth ACC Video

It’s Friday, so that means it’s time for another and reaaly, last Avatar Cosplay Cast youtube video. If you’ve been keeping tabs on these videos, you know I didn’t actually just post the video. This Friday post is more of an announcement for the video and a mini update on its status.
As a whole, the videos are kind of stalling out. This last video is up to 77 views, but they haven’t really done anything in the last week. With the exception of of the ACC, it has the most views of the 4 ACCs.

Without further ado, go check out ACC4 at

And if you missed the first one and second one, see them here -

Of course, all of the pictures and information can be found here.
It was actually rather fun putting the music together and everything.
Music was from the show and taken from here
All cosplayers came from and

Listening to
Did Your Dizzle by The Ultimate Fighter

Twitter Tag
The Fourth and final ACC video is now up, only at Bloggaday, well youtube…

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

Youtube Awesomeness

For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bloggaday 81 – The Last of the Dohicans

Bloggaday 81 – The Last of the Dohicans
So today is my last doh, or day of hell as I like to call them. School starts at 11am and ends at 10pm. My dohs occur on Thursday with 4 classes plus a lab. While Tuesday are long, 11-12:30, and then 3-7, it lacks a class at 1 and the lab from 7-10, which makes it feel considerably shorter. Plus, it’s nice coming home for lunch on Tuesdays.
But alas, I shall have no dohs here at Crafton Hills. Finals weeks start next week, so things are starting to wind down. This semester’s class list including
TR 11:00-12:20 Abnormal Psych (103)
R 1:00-3:00 English 127 – The Sand Canyon Review
TR 3:00-4:30 Music 103 – Popular American Music
TR 5:30-7:00 Physics 100 – Basic?
R 7:00-10:00 Physics Lab

MW 5:00-7:00 Soc 105 – Social Problems

I got to say, this was a fun semester. It was a lot of fun learning about the different psychological disorders and whatnot. It wasn’t a really homework-heavy course though.
The Sand Canyon Review was also quite the experience. I was part of the PR group and raised money. It was the first year we actually raised enough money. We actually made quite the surplus actually. Sadly, I didn’t get published, but I’ve started working on a little diddy for next year’s magazine. There wasn’t a lot of typical homework, but there was a lot of out-of-class work that we had to do. I know fundraisers alone were 20+ hours.
Music was also a bit of fun. It was one of my more labor-intensive classes. A lot of reading and study guides. It was nice learning about some of our musical history. I doubt my retention will be that great though.
Physics 100 was one of the better classes I’ve taken at Crafton. I was lucky enough to grasp it relatively well (Excluding the TWC that is electricity which went a little over my head). I learned a lot of really cool stuff (yes, I’m a bit of a nerd), and I had a really good teacher. It’s always kind of nice when you get one who actually cares and knows about education. It’s kind of funny. I started the semester off a little ahead of the reading. The general setup is Read chapters C, Answer the questions for chapters B, and do lab for chapters A. I lost my head start on the reading, but I was still in the CBA format, just not for long. I would then read and then answer the questions for B at the same time. By now, he tends to lecture a little bit on the chapters we are working on, so I’ve been waiting for the lecture, so I can skim the chapters and answer the questions. I’m still kicking @$$ and taking names though, so it’s been working for me.
Social problems was kind of weird. Not much homework except for some papers and 10 hours of community service which we have to give a presentation on. Like half of her tests weren’t actually covered in-class, they were general sociology questions, which was rather odd.
Sadly, I’m now at 527 words, wait now its 532. 533, 544. Anyways, I’ll wrap up this here Bloggaday, describing the last of the dohicans. 549. Word

Listening to
Now: Myself Sneeze. Next: The 40 Year Old Boy. Later: Dr. Pfahler and her bag of crazy.

Twitter Tag
Read about the last of the Dohicans, only at #Bloggaday

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

Youtube Awesomeness

For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bloggaday 80 - Billy Bob Thornton and the Batemasters… Carpetmasters… Boxmasters?

So I listening to the Poor House by the Boxmasters. I’m not sure why, but I always thought that the band was called the Beatmasters, but I’m not sure why.
I suppose before I go on, I should explain that the Boxmasters is a band headed by actor, Billy Bob Thornton, or better known as the guy who somehow bagged Angelina Jolie. I’m not terribly familiar with the band other than the song The Poor House.

With a little backstory down, I will return to my original thought… after these commercial messages…
Feeling blue?
Feeling depressed?
Feeling like a vacation?

Get Lemon Wacky Hello, as seen on Just Shoot Me!
Just $139.99 per gram in both rock and powder form!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled Bloggaday, Already in progress.

So the other day, I was listening Poor House, and I looked at the album cover only to see that they are called The Boxmasters rather than the Beatmasters. I think my first thoughts went something along the lines of “Oh, like Jay and CLITCommander.”
Now, I wouldn’t put it past Billy Bob, so now I’m starting to wonder. He seems like the kind of guy who would pick a band name like that. I guess at least he didn’t Batemasters. But again, I wouldn’t put it past him.
This is another Bloggaday that I probably should have put some footwork in and listened to a few of his other songs, but again, I’m far too lazy for that. See, I can recycle a joke. And I can do some legwork, as long as I’m already golfing on the dogleg par 4.

Listening to
All in by The Grouch & Eligh

Twitter Tag
Billy Bob Thornton and the Batemasters, whoops, Carpetmasters, whoops, Boxmasters

As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs Wit in 140 characters The best all-in-one FEANBA feed Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein if you can find my notes or +friend

Youtube Awesomeness

For the Piccaday Mass me by the month Me paced out by the day. Like witches at black masses