100 episodes? 100 chapter? None of those define it. It’s 100 Bloggadays.
Usually, for 100 of something, like episodes of a television show, a big deal is made. But you know what, this is my Bloggaday, and I’m saving fanfare for two other Bloggadays. I started thinking about this on about Bloggaday 80. Since there is going to be 365 Bloggadays, if I break it up into three parts, I get 121… hmm, trimesters? Nope, trigady is what I’m going to call them. After all, what is the Bloggaday, if not a screwed up tragedy? So there are 3 trigadies, but I get 2 spare episodes. Well, my years of not doing puzzles has not hindered me in seeing the ability to slide one in after the first trigady and another between the last two trigadies.
So you can expect something special for episode 122 and 245 (right?) I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do, but hopefully it’ll be something good. I figure I have 3 weeks to figure it out. At the moment, I’m thinking about posting something of a clip show. The best of (trust me, I know how loosely that has to be applied to this) the first third of the Bloggaday.
With that, I’ll leave you with a couple of other thoughts I had for trigady.
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Already 100 episodes in, looking for 122, only at Bloggaday
As Always, you can find my posts at these convenient interwebs
http://twitter.com/daviddysart Wit in 140 characters
http://daviddysart.tumblr.com/ The best all-in-one FEANBA feed
http://thebloggaday.blogspot.com/ Straight cut Bloggaday. Start tapping that vein
http://www.facebook.com/thedaviddysart?ref=sgm if you can find my notes or +friend
Youtube Awesomeness
For the Piccaday
http://s1000.photobucket.com/albums/af128/daviddysart/Piccaday/ Mass me by the month
http://thepiccaday.blogspot.com/ Me paced out by the day.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/daviddysart/sets/72157623465996877/ Like witches at black masses
100 May 25 Hello Part 15
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