I did a quick thing for my psych teacher, but then I bailed (11 something). A few hours later, I had to come back for photos (3). I didn’t need to come that early, so more bullshizzling for the next 2 and a half hours until we took a class photo, which my zipper was down for. Not that zipper, the zipper for my graduating gown. The picture took a surprisingly long time. I guess if the photographer was going to climb 5 or 6 feet up on a ladder, he wanted it perfect. Then we lined up again, which was another ordeal entirely. Apparently, it’s task for people receiving at least their bachelors or masters, not the associates. Once that was finally done, each line was counted 7 times, and some additional stalling, we finally started walking. Once we had taken our seta, the faculty flooded the stage and took their seats. A few folks gave speeches, like the new student trustee and one of Crafton Hills’ own student alumni gave a speech. I guess I can go into some detail, after all, she did. She was a Veterinarian (how sad is it that I didn’t know how to spell that?), and after talking about how her educational and professional path, she regaled us with a story. The short of it was that a Chihuahua (again, I didn’t know how to spell that) got attack by two large dogs. Her advice ended up being, keep the intestines wrapped in a wet towel, so you can guess how rough it was. She then performed the required surgery… by herself… 5 months out of school. All in all, she gave a good speech. She rambled on a little about the whole college grads make more than non-grads, so she should have skipped that. Other than that, she was good.
Fast forward a few minutes, and they start calling us up. The basic setup here is this: Your row of 20 students stand up, start walking, each person gets their picture taken along the way twice, you then form a line stage left, walk to Davis and Perez (professors of the year), who read your name from a card that you give them, you walk to the president of the college to shake her hand, walk to the head of the board of trustees, shake his hand and grab the diploma as you pose for a picture, continue past him and walk down the steps, and lastly, return to your seat.
Now, my own journey went a little bit different. After I shake the president’s hand, the left side of my honor’s sash gets caught by the wind and flies off. I don’t have much time to react, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to get it back on, so I just pull it off and scrunch it in my hand. The Trustee head asked if I wanted to put it on, but with my cap and everything, it would have taken too long, so I just said no, and continued on my merry way with the scheduled rounds.
I kind of wish I would have taken my iPhone and filmed my walk, but given what happened with my sash, it’s probably a good thing that I didn’t. It would have been cool to have though. Well, there’s always the next one.
Once all of the names were done and a few beach balls later, speeches close out the show. The faculty walk off of the stage with their professor of the year flag bearers, and we followed suit. Some bullshizzling later, we all go home.
So, with this two-part Bloggaday, I end the tale of my graduation. Until next time, peace, chicken.
Listening to
Watching Airplanes by Gary Allen
Twitter Tag
A graduation recollection, only at the Bloggaday…tion…A blogganation syndication with education reverberations part 2
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97 May 22 hello Part 12
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