Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bloggaday 362 – SotW 32 Misery

Bloggaday 362 – SotW 32 Misery
By David “And I am Funky” Dysart
By David “I Wrote Two Hundred Letters” Dysart
By David “Since Half-Past Noon” Dysart
By David “Preppy Girls Never Looked At Me” Dysart
By David “Bang Bang Goes the Broken Glass And” Dysart
By David “Now Dance, F—ker, Dance, Man, He Never Had a Chance” Dysart
By David “Like I Had None” Dysart
By David “Cheated and Abused” Dysart
By David “Blame Paul” Dysart

“My Name is Prince”

Maroon 5

“Ball and Chain”
Social Distortion

“Beverly Hills”

“Holiday (Live)”
Green Day

“You’re Gonna Go Far Kid”
The Offspring

“She Fucking Hates Me”
Puddle of Mudd

“I Just Wanna Run”
The Downtown Fiction

“Effect and Cause”
The White Stripes

Chuck: Hello, Bloggaday Readers, and welcome to a very special Song of the Week Special. We would like to thank you all for joining us on the last Song of the Week

Tom: Don’t worry, you can start drinking in about 450 words.

Chuck: Yes, well, we’d like everyone to drink responsi-

Tom: Actually, you could do what I’m doing and start drinking now.


Chuck: TOM! We’re in the middle of a show… Where in the hell did you get a sword to open the champagne?

Tom: Come on, Chuck. Have a glass.

Chuck: Oh, all right.

Tom: …

Chuck: … Thank you.

Tom: Wow, Chuck. I can’t believe it’s already almost over.

Chuck: What, the Bloggaday? The Song of the Week? Our time together?

Tom: No, this glass. I need a refill.

Chuck: … Thanks, Tom. So… about this week’s songs. Since we’ve been off the web for so long, we’ve got quite the back log.

Tom: QUITE the backlog.

Chuck: So we’ve basically taken what would have been the Song of the Week of each group of songs and then this Week’s song will be chosen from that pool.

Tom: I probably couldn’t have said it better myself.

Chuck: Thanks. I know I don’t usually do much with the mu-

Tom: I’m pretty sure I could’ve said that better, but in the spirits of Valentine’s Day, I’ll let it slide.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah, yeah. What’s first?

Tom: Our first song and most recent acquisition is
“My Name is Prince”

Chuck: It look like Prince brought another nine of his songs to the Bloggaday this week. That’s a bit much, even for the Song of the Week

Tom: Well, with The 40 Year Old Boy posdcast http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-forty-five-year-three/id277138218?i=90995615 had a Prince-centric episode and even referenced the Chappele's Show skit about prince http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKHR6oe52Q, both of which were so good, it just seemed fitting.

Chuck: And next?

Tom: The greatness that can be chick music, with just a bit of sentimental value for our Bloggaday Author and accompanying the rest of the Deluxe edition of Hands All Over
Maroon 5

Chuck: Third?

Tom: 3rd is meah
“Ball and Chain”
Social Distortion

Chuck: Fourth?

Tom: 4th is a good song that paid its dues before finally coming the Bloggaday iTunes
“Beverly Hills”

Chuck: Yes, it faced some… stiff… competition, didn’t it?

Tom: As a matter of fact, yes it did. To the “Nth degree”

Chuck: And fifth?

Tom: Another one of the heavy hitters here,
“Holiday (Live)”
Green Day

Chuck: Sixth?

Tom: A solid contender,
“You’re Gonna Go Far Kid”
The Offspring

Chuck: Lucky number sleven?

Tom: That would be another titan of this week’s field
“She Fucking Hates Me”
Puddle of Mudd

Chuck: And Eighth?

Tom: That was actually a week of phenom free songs, this one beating out “1,000 Faces” and “MoneyGrabber”
“I Just Wanna Run”
The Downtown Fiction

Chuck: Number Nine would be?

Tom: That one’s coming off another big week, a Christmas Cd,
“Effect and Cause”
The White Stripes

Chuck: We’re already over our word count, so we really should just announce a winner, don’t you think?

Tom: Woah, thish champagne’s finally star_ing to hit meah. You shou do iii.

Chuck: … Thank you, Tom. That means a lot. This very well could be our last Song of the Week, and you’re giving me the last Song announcement. Thank you.

Tom: …

Chuck: The final Song of the Week for year one of THE Bloggaday is…

Paul: dududududududuudududuududuududuuduudududuududuududuudududuududududuudududuududududuududududuudududuududududuudududuududududuududududududduududuududududuududu

Chuck: Thank you, Paul. I’m going to even miss you.
The Song of the Week is

Paul: “Misery”
Maroon 5

Chuck: PAUL! TOM!

Tom: Wha? I just tol him he coul. Wut’s ur prob?

Chuck: Is you’re champagne laced with something?

Tom: Jus a tusch of rt pousin. Gives ii su goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Chuck: Thank you, Bloggaday Readers, for joining us for over thirty weeks. We are truly blessed to be given this opportunity, and everyone here at The Song of the Week and the Bloggaday would like to extend our sincerest gratitude. Thank you so much. I am, as always, Chuck, and with me is

Tom: Tom motherfu, muth, motherkuffing, wait that’s not right.

Chuck: Have a great Valentine’s Day everyone. It looks like I’ll be spending mine getting Tom’s stomach pumped at the hospital.

Tom: And ii looks like I’ll be spenning mind pumpin yo wife. Hahahaha

Listening to
21st Century Breakdown

Twitter Tag
The last of the good SotWs are gone, so you’ll have to settle for this, only on Bloggaday http://tiny.cc/Bloggaday362

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way
http://twitter.com/daviddysart The twits are tweeting and rss feeding
http://daviddysart.tumblr.com/ I pray your mouse batteries die, and you take a tumblr
http://thebloggaday.blogspot.com/ Now here’s a little blog, I’ve got to tell
http://tiny.cc/Facebook_DavidDysart I’m not calling you a bot, just don’t botter me

I wanna view like Youtube
http://www.youtube.com/user/DavidDysart Shut up and let me show

What’s pickier than pickier? The Piccaday
http://tiny.cc/Piccaday_Photobucket Light me up that web cam and strap a smile on my face
http://thepiccaday.blogspot.com/ Let the pictures hit the floor
http://tiny.cc/Piccaday_Flickr I’m gonna pack my pixels and I’m gonna go your way

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see
158 – Boxer V Brief – Short, concise joke machine and a DYNAMIC ENTRANCE! to my favorite Bloggadays of the Second Trigaday
159 – A Phthalates-filled Sbarro Breadstick – This was just a funny Bloggaday despite the essence being something no one will get unless the look up what a phthalate is
174 – FNtCCA,aToTbDD– While I think it’s clear I rarely EDIT the Bloggaday, this train-of-thought post shows how much I have to FILTER it…
183 – SotW 13 – This one had it all. Pretty much every bit that’s been a major player in the SotW made its way into this one, so it’s a good one to try.
134 – SotW 5 – This particular Song of the Week featured the characters a bit truer to their original concept. After a while, I started liking Tom too much and changed him a bit which caused changes to Chuck.
227 – PWND: TSHBRotCCPS pt16 was some solid fiction content. Plus, that was probably some of the finest Final Thought I’ve ever thought up.

Close the screen, the awesome’s getting out

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