Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bloggaday 280 – “Have You Met David?” pt 2

Bloggaday 280 – “Have You Met David?” pt 2

So, I go rock climbing regularly with two folks, and then a couple of other folks kind of rotate in and out.* The presumed wingman and the other regular (let’s call him el capitan since he pretty much spearheads the whole wall climbing) finally show up, and they brought a new face. I head over and meet them. After the hellos, I start heading back to the rock wall. The presumed wingman yells out a name and rushes over to go talk to somebody. As she does though, she shouts for me to join her.

I work my way through the little bottleneck of folks entering the gym and finally get over to them, somehow slipping out of my climbing harness and gym clothes and apparently falling into a tux among the crowd of people. Weird, I know. Due to upcoming events, I came to assume it was the presume wingman, but more on that later.

When I get there, I was greeted with the presumed wingman saying, “Have you met David?” followed by “Have you met Yada?”

And my immediate impression of Yada?** Cute readhead. The fact that I was called over when I could have met her in like 3 minutes seemed like an odd amount of work to go through unless you had some kind of reason for doing so.

So let’s recap.

Exhibit A

Suggestive use of “Have you met David?”

Exhibit B

Immediate introduction of a person matching my described preference in a woman

Exhibit C

Rushing introductions when hurried proceedings seemed inconvenient. ***

Exhibit D

Somehow changing into a tux as I walk through a crowd of people before I met Yada.

Your Honor, I ask you. How was I supposed to assume this was anything but an “introduction?”

Luckily, I’m too much of a pansy to make any grand gestures of affection**** because Yada is not single. Hmm… I suppose that brings me back to my original point:

People are killing me. Flat and simple really.

Though the no mountaintop proclamations of love despite the fact that I was at the top of a mountain several time***** does have to do with the fact that I fell flat ALL night long. I don’t think I managed to be funny once. But with the whole relationship status thing, I suppose that’s a good thing.

On a sidenote, I plan on burying****** this post in the middle of the several that I post at one time in hopes that the people mentioned in this post don’t actually read this. It would be awfully embarrassing since both the presumed wingman and introductee are both friends on facebook… Since writing this little sidenote, ^ I ended up stretching this post into two Bloggadays, so that might make it more difficult to conceal^^ it and keep it unread.

Listening to

Cowboy by Kid Rock

Twitter Tag

Don’t mind the ramblings of the socially inept in “Have You Met David?” Part 2, only on Bloggaday

Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way The twits are tweeting and rss feeding I pray your mouse batteries die, and you take a tumblr Now here’s a little blog, I’ve got to tell I’m not calling you a bot, just don’t botter me

I wanna view like Youtube Shut up and let me show

What’s pickier than pickier? The Piccaday Light me up that web cam and strap a smile on my face Let the pictures hit the floor I’m gonna pack my pixels and I’m gonna go your way

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

158 – Boxer V Brief – Short, concise joke machine and a DYNAMIC ENTRANCE! to my favorite Bloggadays of the Second Trigaday

159 – A Phthalates-filled Sbarro Breadstick – This was just a funny Bloggaday despite the essence being something no one will get unless the look up what a phthalate is

174 – FNtCCA,aToTbDD– While I think it’s clear I rarely EDIT the Bloggaday, this train-of-thought post shows how much I have to FILTER it…

183 – SotW 13 – This one had it all. Pretty much every bit that’s been a major player in the SotW made its way into this one, so it’s a good one to try.

134 – SotW 5 – This particular Song of the Week featured the characters a bit truer to their original concept. After a while, I started liking Tom too much and changed him a bit which caused changes to Chuck.

227 – PWND: TSHBRotCCPS pt16 was some solid fiction content. Plus, that was probably some of the finest Final Thought I’ve ever thought up.

Close the screen, the awesome’s getting out

* Kind of like the 4th person on Whose Line is it Anyways.

** The names have been changed to protect my ego.

*** BAM! Lawyered!

**** It’s 2 o’ clock in the morning as I write this, give me a break.

***** I was rock wall climbing

****** Jeeze, I had to pause to spell burying for a second. My brain couldn’t get off of bear.^^^

^ I didn’t write post-sidenote until I had finished everything and stretched it to 2 posts.

^^ Perhaps I should rename the posts “50 Misconceptions About Human Resources”^^^^

^^^ It’s actually kind of funny. While I wrote this between hangings out, the following shindig made “bear” relevant and actually humorous. But more on that later.^^^^^

^^^^ Super kudos if you any idea where that reference is from. I’ve actually used it a couple times since it’s so awesome.

^^^^^ I’m following the How I Met Your Mother definition of “more on that later,” which means I have 5 seasons to get to it. Since there’s no chance that the Bloggaday is getting to syndication, that particular story will never be told^^^^^^

^^^^^^ Though I will say, I didn’t fail nearly as bad humor-wise^^^^^^^ that night

^^^^^^^ Though as always, the funniest things I have to say are always only heard by a couple of folks.^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ If only 2 or 3 people = me being funny, then I only need 1 or 2 more people to read the Bloggaday, and I could be hilarious all of the time.

^^^^^^^^ Hey, Bloggaday 133 actually talked about that.

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