Bloggaday 281 – SotW 26
Chuck: Hello, Bloggaday Readers. This is Song of the Week 26, I am Chuck,
Tom: and I’m Tom,
Chuck: And we’d like to thank you for joining us here on the Bloggaday today.
Tom: And what a Bloggaday it will be.
Chuck: Really, do you have something special for us today?
Tom: No…
Chuck: …
Tom: …
Chuck: So we shou-
Tom: Actually, I think I can swing that.
Chuck: What?
Tom: Something special.
Chuck: Okay, go ahead.
Tom: And this week’s Youtube Honorable mention is
Paul: dududuududududu
Tom: “Guacamole Ukulele Song”
Lauren Fairweather
Chuck: All right then…
Tom: Man, I really want some Mexican food and Rolling Stones.
Chuck: Is that a hint as to what’s coming up for the Song of the Week?
Tom: Actually no, it just means I’m easily influenced by advertisement.
Chuck: With that bit of crucial info down, should we move onto the Song of the Week?
Tom: Alright, first up this week is…
by Sublime
Chuck: “Wrong Way?”
Tom: Yeah, it’s got an interesting little swing.
Chuck: If memory serves, you said there were a couple of Sublime songs this week.
Tom: That’s true, Chuck, so next up is…
Chuck: Wow, was the lead singer dead for that music video?
Tom: What gave it away, the fact that he wasn’t IN the video except for ghostly out-of-place cameos?
Chuck: Yeah, that was actually. What’s next?
Tom: Next is the song I forgot last week…
“Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon”
Urge Overkill
Chuck: Well, that’s not the original singer.
Tom: No, because we got the good version of it, the one from Pulp Fiction.
Chuck: It was in Pulp Fiction?
Tom: Yeah, with Uma Thurman and John Travolta.
Chuck: Oh, when they’re in the competition and she does the this?
Tom:… Well, since this isn’t a video, you might want to refrain from just doing a dance move. Second off, that’s NOT the scene. It’s when they’re at the house.
Chuck: Anyways, what’s our last song?
Tom: That would be
Chuck: I think this might be Aerosmith’s first trip into the Song of the Week.
Tom: It very well might be, but I don’t care enough to go through all of the old SotW’s to find out.
Chuck: I can’t very well blame you.
Tom: You know what, Chuck?
Chuck: What’s that, Tom?
Tom: We might ACTUALLY get this SotW done in only ONE post.
Chuck: Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve done that, hasn’t it?
Tom: Well, the SotW this week is…
Paul: dududududududududu
Tom: “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon”
Urge Overkill
Chuck: Well, we don’t really have anymore time…
Tom: Real quick! This was BY FAR the closest SotW race.
Chuck: Very good.
Tom: And I’m guessing that the reason why Sweet Emotion didn’t win is because of its length and Bloggaday Author, David Dysart’s, short attention span.
Chuck: We’re already running long, and yesterday’s post was like 700+ words.
Tom: Well, close us out, Chuck. Nothing’s stopping you.
Chuck: … Thank you for joining us, Bloggaday Readers.
Tom: Since we’ve done you all the favor of limiting SotW 26 to only 1 post, you have to come back next week for the 28th edition.
Chuck: Yes, well, thank you again for making us the number 1 segment on the Bloggaday. We sure hope you join us next week.
Tom: You fu-
Tom: You better come back next time!
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Song of the Week 26 is actually only 1 post, but it’s still has the awesomeness of 4 posts, only on Bloggaday
Going faster than a “Reply All” email, websites like mine will surely go your way The twits are tweeting and rss feeding I pray your mouse batteries die, and you take a tumblr Now here’s a little blog, I’ve got to tell I’m not calling you a bot, just don’t botter me
I wanna view like Youtube Shut up and let me show
What’s pickier than pickier? The Piccaday Light me up that web cam and strap a smile on my face Let the pictures hit the floor I’m gonna pack my pixels and I’m gonna go your way
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Close the screen, the awesome’s getting out
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