Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bloggaday 224 – The First Fall 2010 School Paper

Bloggaday 224 – The First Fall 2010 School Paper

AH snap, first paper of the quarter. Did like 98% after midnight, and I’m barely following the prompt, but meh, it works well enough I suppose. It’s about a short article on the slave Frederick Douglass, and his learning to read and write.

David Dysart

Professor Dias

SSCI 306

10:40 Class September 27, 2010

Evaluation Paper

With the convenience that modern technology brings, it can be easy to overlook all of the things we take for granted. It is amazing how things as simple as reading and writing were not always guaranteed, but with them, our other overlooked conveniences such as knowledge and freedom become possible. While often times knowledge can lead to the painful realization of one’s situation, it can also move society like Frederick Douglass did.

In the past, reading and writing were reserved for those in power for it was the key to knowledge. Throughout time, the ability to read and write has become more common, but it has always been deemed “dangerous” in the hands of those who lacked the knowledge of their own situation. Ignorance often breeds contentment. It is only as a person becomes more aware of how things could be that they begin to resent those in power. Reading and writing has often been the secret to this realization.

Among the most glaring examples of the use of ignorance in an attempt to subjugate a people is slavery. We can see as Frederick begins to learn more and more through reading, he becomes miserable. He begins wishing to could be like the other slaves that never learned to read and write. He even begins to harbor resentment towards the slave owner. But without people like him whom have broken free of the shackles of ignorance, then the abolition of slavery would have suffered. Without knowledge, things remain the same, and without the self-awareness that comes with it, movements can never start.

As opposed to all of the slaves who lived and died in slavery, most being deprived of the human right of knowledge, Mr. Douglass learned and read everything he could and was able to escape it. Through his learned malcontent, he was able to help start a movement. He began moving the wheels of society with his knowledge. He pushed America in the right direction, a directions that refused to accept the imposed handicap of ignorance that slave masters forced upon African Americans.

It is knowledge that fuels change. While we are afforded the ability to learn so much so early in our life, it requires more and more knowledge to continue societal evolution. A woman recently said that a Bachelor’s degree is a dime a dozen. The fact that in just over one hundred and fifty years, the bar has moved from reading and writing all the way to advanced degrees is amazing, especially when compared to the all of the time that has come before 1845 when this was written. Without the people of a society continuing to increase the knowledgebase for everyone, then that society would grind to a halt. Stuck at a plateau, we would no longer be able to look at ourselves and improve our understanding of right and wrong. We could no longer strive for the best in others and ourselves. There would be no beacons of hope, inspiring change.

For the author, reading and writing were both tremendous hurdles that he had to clear before he tap into the knowledge that produced change. But he did it. His parents didn’t help him. Even his mistress who began helping him turned on him and became the most stringent objector to his learning. He had to do everything in his power, work harder, work faster, work smarter, and all for an opportunity to learn just one more thing here and there. The fact that he was able to master something so unobtainable for people like him at that time is astonishing. His perseverance and will are truly to be admired and emulated.

It’s only when we look down to see the shoulders of the giants we stand on that we see just how far we have truly come. But aside from that, we can also get a glimpse of their passion and how much work it was to get us to where we are. With that kind of zeal, there is no limit or boundary for us as a country, as a planet, as a people.

As a Final Thought, I would like to talk.

Talk about the (faux) trial I’m doing.

You know, the one claiming that

Carl’s Jr.’s a communist chain

Even though it’s a fake,

I’m still throwing in

the manipulation

and half-truths

that are in



Listening to

Blake Lewis

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A short paper on Frederick Douglass is up and only on Bloggaday #Slavery #Abolition #Knowledge #Freedom

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Youtube Awesomeness Still deciding to try to capture it or let it slip

For the Piccaday Says I broke it twice, I must have done it half a dozen times Because Yesterdays ain’t got nothing on me From the nest in the hills chillin’ with Flynt

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

1 The basics

3 Get PWND with story content

73 Mash-up of science and relatable humor? It’s just Bloggaday

85 Deadpan humor and drama, what more can you want?

118 Maybe some practical real world advice drowned in humor.

137 My new favorite segments, the Sotw and PoM with Tom and Chuck

224 September 26

Bloggaday 223 – Carl’s Jr. and the Communist Party pt 3

Bloggaday 223 – Carl’s Jr. and the Communist Party pt 3

You can see part 1 and 2 here and here

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Prosecutor: Of course. Earlier, Mr. Bauer, you mentioned there was a white marking on the Carl’s Jr. flag, didn’t you?

Bauer: Vy, yes.

Prosecutor: Now, while looking at both the Carl’s Jr. flag as well as the hammer, sickle, and star on the DKP flag, do you think there’s any similarity between that white marking and the communist symbolism?

for Bloggaday 219

for Bloggaday 219

Bauer: Hmm… I did not notice it at first, but yes.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Objection! The white marking they are talking about is an arrow, an ARROW, pointing to the copy of the ad. This is ridiculous.

Your Honor: I think the person in the black robe can JUDGE what is ridiculous. Overruled. Keep these constant objections up, and I’ll have you held in contempt.

Prosecutor: So what was it that you saw, Mr. Bauer?

Bauer: Given the curve of the supposed “arrow,” it looks very much like a sickle. It is rather shocking that they vould do something like that.

Prosecutor: So, would you say that there is a connection here?

Bauer: Vell, I suppose that by a preponderance of the evidence, that yes. The Carl’s Jr. flag definitely uses communist symbolism for their ad.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: /sigh

Prosecutor: I have no further questions. Your witness.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: … Uh… I… have no questions for this witness. And my witness is not currently here…

Your Honor: Thank you, Mr. Bauer. You may step down. Are there any more witnesses to take the stand?

Prosecutor: Your Honor, I have one last witness. I’d like to call to the stand, George Strait.

Courtroom: /Murmer, /murmer, /murmer

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Your Honor, this is just a PR ploy. Mr. Strait isn’t even here.

Prosecutor: Your Honor… If I can just 3, 2, … 1, …

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: …

Prosecutor: …

You Honor: I think I have given you enough ti

Courtroom Door: BDUH

Cowboy Boots: Click… click… click… click…

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Son of a

Prosecutor: Your Honor, I present to you, George Strait.

Your Honor: Mr. Strait, you may take the stand.

George Strait: Why, thank you, Your Honor.

I imagine you guys don’t want to hear George Strait getting sworn in, so I’ll end it here, though I think I’m a little light.

I suppose I should have ran these across my brother, Super Awesome Lawyer of the Santa Cruz area, Keith Dysart, who passed his bar the on his first try, to see if I was even close with all of the legal mumbo jumbo.

A Final Thought

I would like to

Point out



The slave who

Fought to learn.

Listening to


Twitter Tag

Part 3, yes part 3 of the (faux) Carl’s Jr./Communist Facebook Ad trial is up and only on Bloggaday

Exit stage right to my corner of the interweb > \/ Plaster Caster Twitter Strutter Hung My Head in a Tumblr A Little Less Conversation and a Whole Lotta Love If I Never See Your Face Again

Youtube Awesomeness Still deciding to try to capture it or let it slip

For the Piccaday Says I broke it twice, I must have done it half a dozen times Because Yesterdays ain’t got nothing on me From the nest in the hills chillin’ with Flynt

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

1 The basics

3 Get PWND with story content

73 Mash-up of science and relatable humor? It’s just Bloggaday

85 Deadpan humor and drama, what more can you want?

118 Maybe some practical real world advice drowned in humor.

137 My new favorite segments, the Sotw and PoM with Tom and Chuck

223 September 25

Bloggaday 222 – Carl’s Jr. and the Communist Party pt 2

Bloggaday 222 – Carl’s Jr. and the Communist Party pt 2

Part 1 -

Prosecutor: I see. I would also like to show Exhibit B, a recent ad Carl’s Jr. has been posting on Facebook.

for Bloggaday 219

Prosecutor: For everyone’s benefit, can you please describe the color scheme of the ad?

Baurer: It appears to be a red flag.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Objection, Your Honor. Just because the background is red, that hardly means it is a red flag.

Your Honor: Overruled. The expert witness is here to offer his interpretation. Go on, Mr. Bauer.

Bauer: Thank you, Your Honor. On the red flag is a yellow star as vell as some sort of vite marking.

Prosecutor: Thank you. So in your words then, these two images share the same colors?

Bauer: Yes. Both of them focus on yellow and red.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Objection! Red and yellow are used by several fast food chains to attract customers. Is each one of them communist?

Your Honor: Overruled. This is a subject for you to explore when it’s your witness. For now, please allow others to have their time.

Prosecutor: Thank you, Your Honor. I appreciate it.

Your Honor: I’m running a court. I’m not doing you favors.

Prosecutor: Of course, Your Honor. Now, Mr. Bauer. Aside from the color, what other shared symbolism strikes you?

Bauer: As you can see, in the upper right-hand corner, you can see more common Communist symbolism…

Prosecutor: Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit C. I have taken the liberty, yes, liberty, to magnify the aspect of the flag that my expert witness is talking about.

for Bloggaday 219

Prosecutor: Could you please describe what you see?

Bauer: Certainly. Banned in certain European countries, the hammer and sickle vas first used in the Bolshevik Revolution. It stands for the unity of industrial and agricultural vorkers.

Prosecutor: Is it commonly used with the Communist party?

Bauer: As far as I know, exclusively.

Prosecutor: Aside from the hammer and sickle, what do you see?

Bauer: There is also a prominent star placed to the left and slightly above the hammer and sickle.

Prosecutor: And the history of this?

Bauer: It is also a socialistic and communistic symbol. It is often said that each point of the star represents a finger of the “vorker,” vile others see it as the military might vhereas the hammer and the sickle are the peaceful symbolism of the proletariat.

Prosecutor: And it’s legal status?

Bauer: The same as the hammer and sickle. Certain countries have banned it due to Soviet occupation.

Prosecutor: Very good. Now, if I could reintroduce Exhibit B, the ad placed on Facebook by the defendant’s company…

for Bloggaday 219

Prosecutor: On the previous flag, there was a star that we talked about. Do you see anything like that here?

Bauer: There is a yellow star that has been stylized, yes.

Really Expensive Defense Attorney: Objection. The prosecutor is tilting at windmills. The yellow star has been the logo of Carl’s Jr. since its opening in 1956!

Your Honor: Sustained. You connection seems strained at best.

Prosecutor: I apologize, Your Honor. I’m making multiple strings that attach the Communist party with Carl’s Jr. to show irrefutably that there is, in fact, a connection.

Your Honor: Then get on with it.

The trial of the century continues

Tomorrow, but only on

The Bloggaday.

Listening to

The Orbit of Sound

Twitter Tag

Part 2 of the Carl’s Jr. (faux) trial is up and only on Bloggaday

Exit stage right to my corner of the interweb > \/ Plaster Caster Twitter Strutter Hung My Head in a Tumblr A Little Less Conversation and a Whole Lotta Love If I Never See Your Face Again

Youtube Awesomeness Still deciding to try to capture it or let it slip

For the Piccaday Says I broke it twice, I must have done it half a dozen times Because Yesterdays ain’t got nothing on me From the nest in the hills chillin’ with Flynt

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

1 The basics

3 Get PWND with story content

73 Mash-up of science and relatable humor? It’s just Bloggaday

85 Deadpan humor and drama, what more can you want?

118 Maybe some practical real world advice drowned in humor.

137 My new favorite segments, the Sotw and PoM with Tom and Chuck

222 September 24

Bloggaday 221 – 3 Events and a Minor Family Reunion.

Bloggaday 221 – 3 Events and a Minor Family Reunion.


So last weekend, I had three things I wanted to go to. I ended up going to zero of them.






Ain’t Nothin

No how

The first thing was Friday. I haven’t posted about my second yoga class/session/whatever-you-call-it, but the same website I found that on, I found another group called Riverside Kitten Killerz Anime Group. I’ll give you hint though; two out of the 3 main aspects of that name are false.

The group neither meets in Riverside, nor do they talk about anime… Actually, if I remember right, they said they do talk about anime. It’s not really a “group” though. I think they described themselves as more cultish… I kid. They don’t kill kittens. I’m not entirely sure the inspiration of the name, but it is an anime* group. Unfortunately, instead of Riverside, which would be like a 20 minute drive, it actually meets at a mysterious Starbucks in Corona, and that either makes like twice as far, or I’ll have to hitch a ride to Caprica. Unfortunately, I may have burned my Cylon bridge in

For Bloggaday 216

Hmm, I just don’t know if I can justify a 40 minute drive not knowing any of them, and if all they’re going to do is go see a movie or something, then I think I would be a bit disappointed. If they do something a bit closer or I get a better understanding of what happens/how long they last, I’ll probably make it out to one of their groups, but until then, meh.

And I was geared up to go, I just talked myself out of it Friday.

Then, on Sunday, I had a Psych group meeting. I missed the last two; so I figured I should probably actually go to this one. Some of my family on my on my Dad’s side** came over. Oh, so much food… Oh, the food. There was only going to be like three or so more people coming, but it ended up being a few than that, and there was still way to much food… and there were plans for guacamole and taquitos which never happened… and there was still way too much food… But now I have a bunch of left over taco meat, so I’m happy… And there was still way too much food…

It kept looking like things were going to fizzle out in time, but it kind of lingered with the last couple of folks, so I didn’t end up making. The nice thing is though, we got rid of the loveseat and TV we weren’t using, so that was good… and we still had way too much food…

So, anyways, that’s that for the second event, but it would appear that I’m out of words, so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow*** to get into that. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to sugarcoat it…**** even though there was still way too much food…

More of the Communist trail is coming.

Which communist trial, you ask?

The one where Carl’s Jr.

Is the defendant!!

Listening to

Blake (Lewis and Shelton)

Twitter Tag

They might not have been weddings or a funeral, but I did miss three events and made a minor family reunion

Exit stage right to my corner of the interweb > \/ Plaster Caster Twitter Strutter Hung My Head in a Tumblr A Little Less Conversation and a Whole Lotta Love If I Never See Your Face Again

Youtube Awesomeness Still deciding to try to capture it or let it slip

For the Piccaday Says I broke it twice, I must have done it half a dozen times Because Yesterdays ain’t got nothing on me From the nest in the hills chillin’ with Flynt

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

1 The basics

3 Get PWND with story content

73 Mash-up of science and relatable humor? It’s just Bloggaday

85 Deadpan humor and drama, what more can you want?

118 Maybe some practical real world advice drowned in humor.

137 My new favorite segments, the Sotw and PoM with Tom and Chuck

221 September 23

* and I would imagine manga

** Who I don’t see that much

*** Tomorrow for me, but it could be anywhere 2 minutes and never for the fine Bloggaday Reader.

**** It’s actually a relatively amusing foreshadowing…

Bloggaday 220 – The Supernatural Handicap Battle Royal of the Century Christmas Party Spectacular pt 15

Bloggaday 220 – The Supernatural Handicap Battle Royal of the Century Christmas Party Spectacular pt 15

I have here 500 words EXACTLY of 100% fresh fiction content.

The call for submissions that inspired me

Bloggaday 1

Bloggaday 2

Bloggaday 3

Bloggaday 4

Bloggaday 5… Kinda

Bloggaday 6

Bloggaday 7

Bloggaday 8

Bloggaday 9

Bloggaday 10

Bloggaday 11

Bloggaday 12

Bloggaday 13

Bloggaday 14

The man jumped from the floor and charged through the light.

Paul stepped in with a swing, but after the man had covered half the distance, he sped up, inhumanly fast. Faster than the zombies, faster than even Henric, the man closed in and tackled Paul into the wall, the doors buckling in their frame.

As the air escaped Paul’s chest, he slid to the floor. As the darkness reeled in his head, a voice came, “We shall see.”

A pair of hands lifted him from his haunches. He lashed out, his nails digging into flesh, but his shoulder began to burn. He bit out and caught the man’s neck, but the sharpness never left his shoulder.

As the two wrestled, a screech penetrated the shambles that remained of the door. The screech gave way to groans of metal as light began to litter the room. A moment later, the tangled mass of the two was driven to the ground, but Paul found himself swinging around and hurled from the room.

Paul sat in the fluorescence as screams and ungodly noises blurred together in the darkness. He spun to his good arm and heaved himself to his feet. As he stumbled down the hall, he covered his shoulder with his hand only to bring back a blood-soaked mess. He noticed the broken finger under the thick crimson coating and stopped against the wall. He braced it between his thumb and another finger before he snapped it straight.

The quick shot of pain distracted him from the familiar sickly feeling that was quickly invading and flooding every neuron, cell, and drop of his body. He worked his way down the hall, leaning against the wall until he finally made it to the main hallway.

After a cursory glance in both directions, he shuffled off to his right and aimed for the bulkhead as he slipped from the burning light and closed his eyes. Miles later, he finally felt the metal and fell into it. His body convulsed against his attempt to stand, but he managed to send the wheel spinning. The door gave a bang and creaked open. Despite the brightness of the fluorescence, darkness began to take Paul.

A screeching clawed through the hall and brought Paul’s consciousness from the brink. He stared down the whiteness, any kind of orientation lost to him. Another sound came and added to his realization. He spun past the cold metal and through the opening. After swinging the door closed, he pulled himself up with it.

Finally on a stable foot, he chucked the wheel into a spin. He pushed free from the support and stumbled back through the hall. His body seized again, and he thrashed against the wall. He slid along the wall until he went face first into the glass.

Bottom lip dragging behind, Paul’s face retreated from the glass as he lifted his body up. He crashed against it again, fist first this time. The glass rattled in its frame, but it refused to break. He pulled back and crashed against the glass again. This time, he went through the glass and wrapped himself around the frame.

A blaring rang through the hall and rattled in Paul’s head. Despite its noise, it couldn’t keep Paul’s eyes open. It couldn’t keep him from losing his consciousness.

A weekend of nothing description is coming.

So this Final Thought will say absolutely

Listening to

Songs and artists with “green” in the name

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A little bit of fighting, but building up for the final showdown on pt 15 of my zombie fiction, only on Bloggaday

Exit stage right to my corner of the interweb > \/ Plaster Caster Twitter Strutter Hung My Head in a Tumblr A Little Less Conversation and a Whole Lotta Love If I Never See Your Face Again

Youtube Awesomeness Still deciding to try to capture it or let it slip

For the Piccaday Says I broke it twice, I must have done it half a dozen times Because Yesterdays ain’t got nothing on me From the nest in the hills chillin’ with Flynt

New to the Bloggaday? These are the essential posts to see

1 The basics

3 Get PWND with story content

73 Mash-up of science and relatable humor? It’s just Bloggaday

85 Deadpan humor and drama, what more can you want?

118 Maybe some practical real world advice drowned in humor.

137 My new favorite segments, the Sotw and PoM with Tom and Chuck

220 September 22